Characteristics and management of household solid waste in urban areas in Ghana: the case of WA.
Characteristics and management of household solid waste in urban areas in Ghana: the case of WA.
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Monney, Isaac
Tiimub, Benjamin Makimula
Bagah, Henry Chendire
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Civil and Environmental Research
This paper presents the characteristics (composition, bulk density and generation rate) of household solid waste
and waste management practices in Wa; an urban community in Ghana. The study approach involved an
assessment of the physical characteristics approximately 2.3tons of solid waste generated by 15 households in
the study area over a 30-day period. Structured questionnaires were administered to residents, the Waste
Management Department and the only private waste management company in Wa. The results indicate that the
waste generation rate for the Wa is 0.68±0.24kg/cap/day with the average bulk density of 44.9±28 kg/m3
Household solid waste is dominated by organic waste (48%) and inert materials (33%). Plastics/rubber and
metals make up an average proportion of 5% each whiles textiles/fabric, paper/cardboard and miscellaneous
constitute 4%, 3% and 2% respectively. The characteristics of the solid waste management system include
disparities in waste collection services, lack of waste recovery mechanisms, disposal of comingled waste and
lack of regulation and monitoring of the private waste collection company. The study identifies that, waste
recovery can reduce to almost a third of the amount of household solid waste that end up at the landfill. The
study recommends the pay-as-you-dump method as a cost recovery mechanism to offset waste collection costs.
Monney, I., Tiimub, B. M., & Bagah, H. C. (2013). Characteristics and management of household solid waste in urban areas in Ghana: the case of WA. Civil and Environmental Research, 3(9), 10-21.