haracterization of Inhalation Exposure to Gaseous Elemental Mercury During Artisanal Gold 2 Mining and E-Waste Recycling Through Combined Stationary and Personal Passive Samplingg

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Opoku, Gyamfi
Melanie, A. Snow,
Godfred, Darko
Eugene, Ansah
Knut, Breivik
Christopher, Hoang
Ying, Duan Lei
Frank, Wania
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Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts
While occupational inhalation exposure to gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) has decreased in 13 many workplaces as mercury is being removed from many products and processes, it continues 14 to be a concern for those engaged in artisanal and small-scale gold mining or in recycling 15 mercury-containing products. Recently, stationary and personal passive air samplers based on 16 activated carbon sorbents and radial diffusive barriers have been shown to be suitable for 17 measuring GEM concentrations across the range relevant for chronic health effects. Here, we 18 used a combination of stationary and personal passive samplers to characterize the inhalation 19 exposure to gaseous elemental mercury of individuals living and working in two Ghanaian gold 20 mining communities and working at a Norwegian e-waste recycling facility. Exposure 21 concentrations ranging from < 7 ng/m3 to >500 g/m3 were observed, with the higher end of 22 the range occurring in one gold mining community. Large differences in the GEM exposure 23 averaged over the length of a workday between individuals can be rationalized by their activity 24 and proximity to mercury sources. In each of the three settings, the measured exposure of the 25 highest exposed individuals exceeded the highest concentration recorded with a stationary 26 sampler, presumably because those individuals were engaged in an activity that generated or 27 involved GEM vapors. High day-to-day variability in exposure for those who participated on 28 more than one day, suggest the need for sampling over multiple days for reliable exposure 29 characterization. Overall, a combination of personal and stationary passive sampling is a cost 30 effective approach that cannot only provide information on exposure levels relative to 31 regulatory thresholds, but also can identify emission hotspots and therefore guide mitigation 32 measures.
Snow, M. A., Darko, G., Gyamfi, O., Ansah, E., Breivik, K., Hoang, C., ... & Wania, F. (2021). Characterization of inhalation exposure to gaseous elemental mercury during artisanal gold mining and e-waste recycling through combined stationary and personal passive sampling. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 23(4), 569-579.