GIS assessment of coastal vulnerability to climate change and coastal adaption planning in Vietnam
GIS assessment of coastal vulnerability to climate change and coastal adaption planning in Vietnam
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Boateng, Isaac
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t Vietnam's coastal zone provides a diverse
range of natural resources and favourable conditions
for social and economic development. However, its
coastal ecosystems are highly vulnerable, due to several
natural coastal hazards, over-exploitation and other
human activities. In spite of diverse interventions,
Vietnam's coastal zone continues to experience signifi-
cant damage from floods, erosion and typhoons. These
hazards are being intensified by climate change and
associated rising sea levels. This paper assesses the
potential vulnerability of Vietnam's coast to climate
change and discusses possible adaptation policies and
plan to reduce the impacts. GIS analysis was used for
the assessment of coastal vulnerability. Related literature
was reviewed to develop detailed understanding of
coastal adaptation to climate change. Adaptation policies
and plans were appraised to identify potential coastal
adaptation policies and plans that could be adapted by
Vietnam. It was identified that vulnerability of the
coastal zone of Vietnam could not be attributed only
to climatic factors, but also to the physical condition of
the coastline. Much of Vietnam's coastline, particularly,
areas around the Red River delta and the Mekong River
have elevations below 1 m. These coastlines are largely
developed and serve as economic centres of the country,
which makes the coast more vulnerable to climate
change and the rising sea level. The paper concluded
I. Boateng (El)
School of Civil Engineering and Surveying,
University of Portsmouth,
Portland Building, Portland Street,
Portsmouth POI 3AH, United Kingdom
that a non-structural approach (coastal buffer zones,
building houses on stilts, storm warning systems,
growing of flood-resistant crops and elevated storm
shelters with medicine and food storage) could be used
by Vietnam to adapt her low-lying coastline around the
two deltas to climate change as this strategy enables
vulnerable areas to be occupied for longer before
eventual retreat. However, for these policies to be
successful, it should be planned, implemented well in
advance, monitored and evaluated o
Boateng, I. (2012). GIS assessment of coastal vulnerability to climate change and coastal adaption planning in Vietnam. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 16(1), 25-36.