Social risk, green market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation, and new product performance among European Multinational Enterprises operating in developing economies
Social risk, green market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation, and new product performance among European Multinational Enterprises operating in developing economies
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Pomegbe, Wisdom Wise Kwabla
Dogbe, Courage Simon Kofi
Bamfo, Bylon Abeeku
Borah, Prasad Siba
Novixoxo, Jewel Dela
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The current study sought to assess the mediating role
of green market orientation dimensions in the relation ship between social risk and new product performance
among European Multinational Enterprises (EMNEs).
We also assessed the moderating role of entrepreneur ial orientation in the relationship between green market
orientation and new product performance. The study
was based on primary data gathered from 317 EMNEs
in Ghana. After various validity and reliability checks,
ordinary least squares (OLS) analysis was performed to
estimate the various relationships hypothesized in the
study. The study finds that social risk has a negative
effect on the success of EMNEs' new products. This
negative effect is however nullified by the positive
mediating effects of strategic green market orientation,
tactical green market orientation and internal green
market orientation. Entrepreneurial orientation also
played a significant moderating effect in the relation ship between green market orientation dimensions and
EMNEs' new product performance. Based on this, theo retical and managerial contributions were made.
Pomegbe, W. W. K., Dogbe, C. S. K., Bamfo, B. A., Borah, P. S., & Novixoxo, J. D. (2022). Social risk, green market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation, and new product performance among European Multinational Enterprises operating in developing economies. Business and Society Review, 127(4), 891-914.