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This study sought to investigate the perception of Ghanaian consumers on the culinary, social and health attributes of light soups. The study employed an explanatory research design and quantitative research approach where data were gathered through closed-ended questionnaire from 269 customers who were randomly selected in the Sunyani municipality. Descriptive statistics in the shape of mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis were used to rank and interpret the data on the various research issues. The study showed that, goat light soup was the most preferred among the consumers (mean = 4.76). It was followed closely by grasscutter light soup, tilapia light soup, chicken light soup, fresh salmon light soup and dry catfish light soup respectively. Beef light soup was the least preferred light soup scoring a moderate ranking score of 3.24 out of 5. Goat, grasscutter, tilapia and chicken light soups were mostly preferred because they had better culinary attributes in terms of taste, aroma, presentation, texture and appearance. The finding of the study revealed that, majority of the respondents strongly agreed that, consumption of light soups lead to improvement in breast milk production among nursing mothers and improvement in healing process of sick individuals on medication. The study revealed that, grasscutter light soup had better culinary attributes than the rest of the light soups which were considered popular in the Sunyani municipality. Goat and kitchen light soups in order of appearance were also ranked as the third and fourth lights soups that had better culinary attributes. Fresh salmon and dry catfish light soups had all their culinary attributes been ranked as good. Beef light soup had the lowest mean ranking scores. Except texture and appearance been ranked at good, culinary attributes of beef light soup such as taste, aroma and presentation were all ranked by the consumers as slightly good. The study showed that, income was the major socio-economic factor that had significant influence on the consumption of all the light soups. Apart from income influencing the consumption of all the light soups, religion was the only socio-economic variable that had a moderate influence on the consumption of Salmon light soup. Other socio-economic factors such as age, education, gender and ethnicity had no influence on the consumption of all the light soups. Religion did not have any influence on the consumption of goat, chicken, beef, tilapia, dry catfish and grasscutter light soups. Since preference for goat and grasscutter light soups were relatively higher, it is recommended that, restaurants and food vendors in Sunyani municipality must plan their soup menus around these light soups. However, the prices of these two light soups must be competitive enough such that consumers can afford. This is because, consumers consider their income before they choose these two particular light soups. Addition of fresh salmon light soup must also be plan around the religious beliefs of consumers. This implies that, Muslims and Adventists who forbid consumption of fresh salmon must be taken into account during preparation of soup light soups. The quantities of salmon light soups must therefore by limited in areas where these aforementioned religious groups are dominants in order to avoid wastages.