The Suitability of Allanblackia Parviflora wood for Furniture Production in Ghana
The Suitability of Allanblackia Parviflora wood for Furniture Production in Ghana
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Kwaku, Antwi
Kwasi, Mensah Frimpong
Darkwa, Nicholas Albert
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Scholars Research Library
The strength and some physical properties of Allanblackia parviflora trees were determined to predict the suitability
of the species for furniture production. Three Allanblackia parviflora trees of medium density lesser-used species
(LUS) were used for the study. The main statistical tools used were descriptive statistics and one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA). Mechanical strength test specimens were prepared and tested in accordance with the British
Standard BS 373: 1957. Mean green moisture content was 81.19%. Mean basic density was 539.00kg/m3
. The range
of mean strength values in N/mm2
in the ‘green’ and dry (12 % mc) conditions for the three wood species were as
follows: - Modulus of Rupture: 50.00 - 56.00 (85.00 - 94.00), Modulus of Elasticity: 6,387.00-6,951.00 (8,287.00 -
8,875.00), compression parallel to grain: 24.00-28.00 (13.00-14.00) and shear parallel to grain 6.83-7.74 (9.62-
10.82). Mean ratios of dry to ‘green’ MOR and MOE were 1.68 and 1.28.Almost all strength tests conducted shows
a consistent trend that, the heartwood portion of each division was slightly stronger in terms of resistance to failure
than its corresponding sapwood portion. Comparing the strength of Allanblackia parviflora to an existing
classification (grade), strength is ‘medium’ in Allanblackia parviflora tree wood. It compared favourably with
known species such as Aningeria altissima, Terminaria ivorensis, and Antiaris toxicaria in several properties and
strength which are suitable for furniture production.
Antwi, K., Kwasi, F. M., & Albert, D. N. (2014). The Suitability of Allanblackia Parviflora wood for Furniture Production in Ghana. Annals of Biological Research, 5(6), 70-79.