Computer Literacy of First-Year University Students in one of the Public Universities in Ghana

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Manu, Jacob
Owusu-Ansah C M
Dzamesi, J W Yao
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The study explores first-year students’ desktop computer literacy in Windows Management, Power Point Presentation, and Emailing at a public university in Ghana. A descriptive survey design was adopted to complete the study. The population of the study consists of all first-year students of the university, who were also required to enrol in the Introduction to Information and Communication Technology Course offered in the Fall Semester of 2018. Through a self-designed online questionnaire, data was collected on participants’ gender, age, ownership of pen drives, ownership of smartphones, time spent on the phone, and interest in using computers. The rest of the questions were allocated to Windows management (10), Power point (9), and emailing (10). The Cronbach Alpha for the three constructs was 0.86, 0.75, and 0.82 for Windows Management, Power point, and Emailing respectively. Out of the total participant population of 1,070 students, 890 (83.2%) returned valid responses. The findings revealed an overall mean rating of less than 4.0, which is interpreted as respondents’ competence in the applications. However, on a closer examination of the findings, participants’ expressed inability to manipulate essential physical computer components gives credence to difficulties they experience with these applications. Implications for practice are recommended.
MANU, J., OWUSU-ANSAH, C. M., & DZAMESI, J. Y. W. (2020). Computer literacy of first-year university students in one of the public universities in Ghana. All Nations University Journal of Applied Thought, 7(2), 13-28.