Redefining Service Quality Dimensions in Electronic Banking from Extant Theories
Redefining Service Quality Dimensions in Electronic Banking from Extant Theories
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Aboagye, Michael Osei
Antwi, Collins Opoku
Ampadu, Seth
Antwi,Justice Ampadu
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British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade
In the literature, sufficient attention and interests have been given to electronic banking service
quality dimensions and redefined antecedents. Its contributions, however, have a visible expression
on banks’ electronic banking service quality development from customers’ perspective. The intent
of this study is to find the extent e-banking service quality dimensions could be modified and
develop all-encompassing electronic banking service quality dimensions and constructs. In a
quantitative approach, this study made use of survey method with structured questionnaires in
collecting primary data from 600 purposively sampled customers of the Ghana Commercial Bank
Ltd. Utilising Microsoft excel, excel tool packages, SPSS (version 22) and AMOS, the research
analysis was done in stages to satisfy underlined assumptions in quantitative studies. With PCA
and CFA techniques, the findings from retrieved views of 556 respondents show that e-banking
service quality could be well modified on a three factor model. The upshot evinces system
performance, system security and system existence quality as redefined e-banking service quality themed as Re-EBankQual. Although this study showcases interesting ideas, it suffers several
limitations. The constraints of this study are that, it did not rely on broader sample size to represent
the entire population and hence the results could be viewed as just the perception of clients
interviewed but not the general populace of the bank. Also the study was restricted to a specific
geographic region belonging to a single commercial city in the eastern region of Ghana. For these
limitations, theoretical and managerial recommendations have been noted for scholars and bank
stakeholders to eliminate the bottlenecks that hinder the development of redefining e-banking
service quality dimensions. The imports from this study sight on the themed areas of electronic
banking service quality for both management and scholars to take note and affect decisions to
improve services. It also adds to literature on the electronic banking service quality
conceptualization and brings to light a new perspective in electronic banking service quality.
Osei, A., Opoku, A., Seth, A., & Justice, A. (2016). Redefining service quality dimensions in electronic banking from extant theories. British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, 11(3), 1-22.