The extent of practice of Total Quality Management (TQM) in the maintenance of university buildings in South Africa
The extent of practice of Total Quality Management (TQM) in the maintenance of university buildings in South Africa
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Akinlolu, M.T.
Ndihokubwayo, R.
Simpeh, F.
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Research Gate
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent to which TQM is
practiced in the maintenance of school buildings in South Africa.
Available literature in Total Quality Management was thoroughly reviewed.
A quantitative approach was adopted where a questionnaire with closed ended questions was distributed to purposively sampled maintenance
workers in a tertiary institution. Respondents proffered their perceptions on
the practice of TQM during their building maintenance activities. Descriptive
data analysis comprising of mean, and percentages was used to analyse
the data.
Research limitations
The study was built upon an available sample of practicing maintenance
workers in a university. There is a probability that other school categories in
the country were not represented. A larger sample extended to other
tertiary schools can be used for future studies.
Akinlolu, M., Ndihokubwayo, R., & Simpeh, F. (2017). The extent of practice of Total Quality Management (TQM) in the maintenance of university buildings in South Africa.