Institutional Support in Managerial Capacity Building and SMEs Growth

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Forkuoh, Solomon Kwarteng
Li, Yao
Ampadu, Mavis Boatemaa
Aboagye, Michael Osei
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Scietific Research Publishing
Quality managerial skills have been cited as very crucial and important ingredient in the success of enterprise and it is ranked high among other success factors of enterprises in Ireland. As many of the traditional sources of competitive advantage (technology, economies of scale, patents etc.) diminishes in value, the role of a skilled motivated and flexible workforce has become more prominent. In contrast, most SMEs do not have access to quality labor force, which normally translates to l productivity and uncompetitive, and in the long run affects the national growth and development. It is therefore not an act of accident to see several government and other institu- tions support SMEs train and maintain quality workforce. The task before this researcher is to as- sess the impact of institutional support in the provision of managerial capacity building on the growth of selected SMEs in Ghana. Using firm level data from 500 SMEs from the ten regional capi- tals of Ghana, the results indicated that the provision of institutional support in the training of procurement personnel, bookkeeping and accounting and business plan preparation experts had positive impact on the growth and development of the SMEs.
Forkuoh, S. K., Li, Y., Ampadu, M. B., & Osei, M. A. (2016). Institutional support in managerial capacity building and SMEs growth. Open Journal of Business and Management, 4(2), 188-205.