Success Factors For The Effective Implementation Of Total Quality Management (Tqm) In The Maintenance Of University Building
Success Factors For The Effective Implementation Of Total Quality Management (Tqm) In The Maintenance Of University Building
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Mariam, Akinlolu
Ruben, Ndihokubwayo
Fredrick, Simpeh
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The paper examined success factors enhancing the effective implementation of TQM
in the maintenance of university buildings in South Africa. The study further
investigated the existence of a statistical difference in workers’ affiliated campuses,
workers’ positions and their perception of the factors that ensure successful
implementation of TQM in the maintenance of university building facilities. The
study adopted a case study approach and purposive sampling method was used to
select 71 participants and respondents for the study. Questionnaires with closed-ended
questions were distributed to workers in the maintenance department in a university
across five campuses. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the
data.It was revealed that TQM success factors were extensively practiced with respect
to training and education of maintenance workers, use of statistical methods, and
commitment to satisfaction to school stakeholders, as well as commitment from top
management. A statistically significant difference existed in the perception of
workers’ affiliated campuses on the level of practice of TQM success factors. The
study provides immediate interventions which include prioritisation of success factors
and long-run interventions which include benchmarking through development of best
practices and standards to be followed in all campuses in situations were significant
differences were discovered. Data for the study was built upon an available sample of
maintenance workers in only one university. This therefore may limit the
representation of other school categories in the country in the study. The study
recommends an effective communication network such as memo and newsletters to
disseminate information within the maintenance department to keep employees
informed and get them involved.
Akinlolu, M., Ndihokubwayo, R., & Simpeh, F. (2018). Success factors for the effective implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) in the maintenance of university building.