Perception of Pre-Service Teachers’ Towards the Teaching Practice Programme in College of Technology Education, University of Education, Winneba
Perception of Pre-Service Teachers’ Towards the Teaching Practice Programme in College of Technology Education, University of Education, Winneba
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Amankwah, Francis
Oti-Agyen, Philip
Sam, Francis Kwame
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Journal of Education and Practice
The descriptive survey design was used to find out the perception of pre-service teachers on teaching practice
(on-campus) as an initial teacher preparation programme in University of Education, Winneba. A simple random
sampling was used to select 226 pre-service teachers from the College of Technology Education, Kumasi. Data
for the study were collected using questionnaire and were analysed through the use of both descriptive and
inferential statistics. The findings among others revealed that on-campus teaching practice equip entrants with
requisite teaching knowledge, skills, experience, efficacy, professional development and support their learning.
Lack of teaching aids, inadequate time, poor planning, lack of administrative support, and lack of proper
orientation on the role of on-campus teaching practice were some of challenges identified. In spite of these
challenges, the programme was rated to be good by the pre-service teachers. It was among others recommended
that adequate time and material resources should be provided in addition to effective planning and orientation on
the programme
Amankwah, F., Oti-Agyen, P., & Sam, F. K. (2017). Perception of Pre-Service Teachers' towards the Teaching Practice Programme in College of Technology Education, University of Education, Winneba. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(4), 13-20.