Optimising energy systems of Ghana for long-term scenarios
Optimising energy systems of Ghana for long-term scenarios
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Albert, Kotawoke Awopone
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Brunel University London
This study explored energy solutions for Ghana by analysing alternative pathways
from 2010 to 2040. The Long-range Energy Alternating Pathways (LEAP) tool was
used the scenarios analysis. Four scenarios were developed based on key
influencing factors identified in the literature. These are Base case, Coal, Modest
Renewable Energy Technology (RET), and High RET scenarios. The Base case
scenario was based on government-planned expansion and assumed no shift in
policy. The Coal scenario assumed the same expansion trend as Base case with
introduction of coal plants replacing a percentage of natural gas generation. Modest
and High RET scenarios examined the development of the system with increased
renewable energy integration. The results revealed that overall benefits are achieved
with higher integration of renewable energy technologies. Economic benefits of 0.5 –
13.23% is achieved in the RET scenarios depending on the cost development over
the 30 year study period. The high RET offers the highest economic and
environmental benefits. Subsequently, the optimal development of the system was
examined using the LEAP/OSeMOSYS (Open Source Energy Modelling System)
optimisation methodology. The least cost system developed by LEAP (Optimum
scenario), was used as a reference to examine future possible energy policy
direction in Ghana. The policy constraints analysed included emission targets,
carbon taxes and transmission, distribution losses improvements and demand side
efficiency. The results show that: suitable policies for clean power generation have
an important role in CO2 mitigation in Ghana. The introduction of carbon
minimisation policies will also promote diversification of the generation mix with
higher penetration of renewable energy technologies. The study proposes promoting
energy efficiency and improvement in transmission and distribution losses and
utilisation of renewable energy as the best energy strategy for Ghana. Ghana needs
ambitious targets, policies and implementation strategies to enhance energy
efficiency, and decrease demand in the long term. Stable funding and promotion of
transparent policies are required to promote high development of renewable energy
Awopone, A. K. (2017). Optimising energy systems of Ghana for long-term scenarios (Doctoral dissertation, Brunel University London).