Abusive customer behaviour and frontline employee turnover intentions in the banking industry: The mediating role of employee satisfaction
Abusive customer behaviour and frontline employee turnover intentions in the banking industry: The mediating role of employee satisfaction
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Bamfo, Bylon ABeeku
Dogbe, Courage Simon Kofi
Mingle, Harry
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Cogent Business & Management
The study aims to examine the mediating role of frontline
employee job satisfaction in the relationship between abusive customer behaviour
and employee turnover intentions in the banking industry.
Design/Methodology/Approach—The study sampled 186 frontline employees from
10 banks in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The data analysis software used was
STATA. The main method of data analysis was structural equation modelling;
however, a confirmatory factor analysis was first conducted to check for the validity
and reliability of the research instrument. A mediation analysis was finally con ducted and confirmed using Sobel test.
Findings—The study revealed that abusive customer behaviour has a negative
and significant effect on frontline employee satisfaction in the banking sector.
Frontline employee satisfaction also has a negative and significant effect on
employee turnover intention in the banking industry. Abusive customer behaviour
has a positive and significant effect on frontline employee turnover intentions in
the banking sector. Frontline employee satisfaction also has a partial mediating
Bamfo, B. A., Dogbe, C. S. K., & Mingle, H. (2018). Abusive customer behaviour and frontline employee turnover intentions in the banking industry: The mediating role of employee satisfaction. Cogent Business & Management, 5(1), 1522753.